The Buck Ends Here
Congratulations to Jaycee President Paul Stevenson and the other Jaycees for a banquet that was used to recognize the contributions of others.
The honorees were Wilma McIntire, distinguished service; Ed Swift, educator; Lee Turner, young man; Roger Balfour, young farmer; Jim Withee, boss of the year; Mrs Bill Parker, Jayne award and Mrs Richard Symonsbergen, Jayne Spokette award.
Fred Wademan had the job of getting his Aunt Wilma to thebanquet for the surprise announcement and he did a good job ofit, because Wilma was floored.“
"But when they said the honoree was born in Nemaha, I didn’t think there was anyone else in the room besides me who was born there,” she said later.
We had a pleasant visit with Terry and Linda Forsberg of Omaha. Terry is a newsman on channel 3 and he was the principal speaker for the evening.
He was asked by Mrs Ray Noyes what a parent should do when an announcement is made on TV that the following movie is recommended for adult viewing.That’s a parental responsibility, the Omahan said and TV viewers can do the same as he does. . . .pull the plug.
I knew as I read through the list of awards to be presented that there were a lot that I could never receive. . . .except maybe one, the Outstanding Young Farmer.
Lee Turner set me straight by explaining that No. 1, the Exhausted Rooster pin on my lapel wiped me out in the “Young” classification and No. 2, just because my farm life included milking a Guernsey cow and 11 goats, that didn’t put i me in any high bracket.
I had to admit that milking goats is a bit closer to the ground.
Didya read the other day about the high school dropout on the west coast who worked for a junkyard, later bought it and is now a millionaire... That Disneyland may build an amusement park in Japan... .That a California couple sent out wedding invitations and asked guests not to buy traditional wedding gifts. Instead, they suggested toys and games suitable for children. The over 100 gifts were given to an agency for distribution to handicapped children.
Saving fuel
A man from Kansas has suggested that stop signs be replaced with yield signs to conserve gasoline. In the first place, he said, the public has more respect for yield signs. In the second place when a driver approaches a yield sign, he looks in all directions and then continues if there is no traffic approaching.
A man was undergoing his first experience as the owner of a small foreign car. After carefully recording its performance, he realized he wasn’t getting the high gas mileage expected from that type of car.
He took it to a garage and the mechanic checked it and found it to be in perfect condition.
“But isn’t there something I can do to increase the gas mileage?” the owner asked.
“Well, yes,” the mechanic answered. . . -“‘you can do what
most foreign car owners do — lie about it.””
Little Bucks
Congratulations to Brian Browning, son of Mr and Mrs Everett Browning, Peru, for being named a Regent scholarship recipient. . . .Mr and Mrs Les Corr, Eagle, (we met them at Palmyra the other night) sald “hello” to the Jerry Jacobsons — Mr Corr who is with the Lincoln schools, hopes to, come to Nebraska City some time to visit Northside, the round, windowless school with carpeting. .. Bernard Wallman, president of The Nehawka Bank, said life may appear to be a bed of roses in Europe after he toured the country on an economics seminar, but there's no place like home.
This week's smile award goes to —
EARL FREEMAN, 1624 Third Avenue. Mr Freeman served in WWI and WWII worked at Offutt Air Base as a government employe and retired about 10 years ago.
Since then he's been active in scout ing programs, chauffuer for many veterans to hospitals and senior citizens to churches and other events. His eyesight is weak and his legs are wobbly but the DAV veteran has a heart of gold and a backbone of iron.
Bill Joseph, county veterans Service officer, says Mr Freeman “is a veteran's friend.”
In his spare time (that’s when his wife, Wilma, puts him out of the house) he works a night shift as the clerk at Stephenson Motel.
You know what he Says when asked along, Earl?
”“Ohhbhh, just fine. You know, I’ve got Wilma and I’ve got the
best job in town.”
A number of Legionnaires from the Palmyra post attended the speech contest the other night in the high school much to the pleasure of the contestants.
“It’s a good feeling to look out there in the audience and see Legionnaires,” a contestant told us after the nearly two hour program. (That ought to please Joy Schroder and Jake Clem),
The students Probably didn’t notice, but most of us were bundled in winter coats. The heaters were shut off in the gym so the machinery sound wouldn't detract from the speeches.
That was fine and I doubt the youngsters noticed the rapid drop in temperature. There was a lot Going on in the Palmyra school that night. One woman entering the front door directed us to the gym and said she was en route to an adult education class.